Monday, July 13, 2015

Pre-teen Craft Party




Paige had this brilliant idea for her birthday party - she wanted a surprise party. Well, you can’t just know you’re having a surprise party so I told her we were just doing a regular party and the invites went out for her crafting party. But Paige didn’t know that all the girls were going to come an hour early while Paige and I went to the store. So she got her surprise party and was thrilled!

It was so fun to have all her friends here - a whopping 11 girls.


The girls painted and created and had lots of laughs. It was really fun (if not slightly exhausting. Thank heavens my sister was here to help me. Totally couldn’t have done it all without her.) We made Halloween blocks, washer necklaces and chalkboard advent calendars. The calendars are cool because they are on little picture frames with changeable papers for the different holidays. The blocks turned out adorable and the girls loved designing their own necklaces. Whew - it really was kind of a lot with so many girls. But it was also a lot of fun and totally worth it.


The trick to a party like this is knowing how long everything will take to make (paint and dry). We started with painting blocks. Then moved to the necklaces. The gel on the necklaces dried fairly quickly when put in front of a heater. Next we did gifts. After that we made the calendars – those are quick and no drying is needed. We had our dessert and FINALY we put the vinyl on the blocks and finished the necklaces. The girls only made one Halloween block each but had 3 to choose from and tons of vinyl faces from Simple Sayings Vinyl.


Instead of traditional cake - I went with the “creating” theme and let the girls create their own ice cream sundays - and boy did they load up!  Tweens can chow!


This is not a one man show – unless you have 5 or less friends. But go and get your craft on – Birthday style!

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